Wiggles & Giggles
Tuesday: 4:40-5:10p

Level 1 Ballet/ Tap
Tuesday: 4:40-5:20p

Level 1&2 Tumbling
Tuesday: 4:00-4:40p

Level 2 Ballet/ Tap
Tuesday: 4:40-5:20p

Level 3 Tumbling
Tuesday: 4:00-4:40p

Level 3&4 Jazz
Tuesday: 4:40-5:20p

Level 3&4 Tap
Tuesday: 5:20-6:00p

Level 3 Ballet
Tuesday: 6:00-6:40p

Level 4 Tumbling
Tuesday: 4:00-4:40p

Level 3&4 Jazz
Tuesday: 4:40-5:20p

Level 3&4 Tap
Tuesday: 5:20-6:00p

Level 4 Ballet
Tuesday: 6:00-6:40p

Level 6 Jazz
Tuesday: 4:00-4:40p

Level 6&8 Hip Hop
Tuesday: 6:00-6:40p

Level 8 Jazz
Tuesday: 4:00-4:40p

Level 6 Ballet
Tuesday: 6:40-7:20p

Level 6&8 Tap
Tuesday: 4:40-5:20p

Level 8 Ballet
Tuesday: 6:40-7:20p

Level 6&8 Tumbling
Tuesday: 5:20-6:00p

Level 10
Competitive Level Petite

Level 12
Competitive Level Junior

Level 14
Competitive Level Pre-Teen

Level 16
Competitive Level Teen

Level 18
Competitive Level Elite

Programs Offered
Recreational Program:
Recreational Programs are offered 3-11 years old. Within those levels we offer classes in ballet, tap, jazz, and tumbling. All classes are 40 minutes with a specialized instructor. Each class is separated into a three-part lesson with a developed syllabus for beginner dancers working on basic skills in each technique. Lessons will take the basics from the barre to across the floor and center work. All jazz classes require one ballet class per week.
We also offer Wiggles & Giggles for our 18m-3-years old who are just starting to get into organized activities. These classes are 30 minutes weekly and focus on taking turns, following directions, learning new ways to wiggle and giggle.
Specialty Classes such as Hip Hop, Art classes, Musical Showcase, etc may be added to the schedule during specific sessions based on interest.
Dress Code for Recreational Classes:
All classes require a black base: leotard, sports bra, shorts, stretch pants. In ballet, they are required a black leotard. Ballet and tap classes recommend pink convertible tights.
Ballet: Pink slippers ½ sole pre-sewn
Tap: Tan tap shoes. Mary Jane Velcro for levels 1-4, 7-8 may wear Block tie taps.
Jazz: Tan pirouette shoes
Tumbling: No shoes required
Competitive Program:
Competitive Programs are separated into 6 pre-determined teams based on skill and age. Within those levels dancers will take 2- 80 min ballet classes, 1 – 40 min acro, 1 – 40 min tap, 1 – 40 min strength and conditioning, 1-40 min open class, 1 – 40 min jazz class; optional additional classes available for pointe (pre-approval required). These classes are taught by specialized instructors with an advanced syllabus. They are technique, strength, and flexibility focused with a portion of each class dedicated to choreography.
Dress Code for Competition Classes:
All classes require a black base: leotard, sports bra, shorts, stretch pants. In ballet, they are required a black leotard. Ballet and tap classes recommend pink convertible tights.
Ballet: Pink slippers ½ sole pre-sewn
Tap: Tan tap shoes block tie taps.
Jazz: Tan pirouette shoes
Tumbling: No shoes required
We offer 3 sessions that run year-round.
Fall Session:​
August - November (Weekly classes)
December Rehearsals weekly
The Studio will be closed specific weeks which will be indicated on the GOOGLE CALENDAR
Tuition auto debited on the 5th of August, September, October, November, December
NUTCRACKER (Winter) Showcase Fee auto debited September 25th.
Competitive students will attend conventions and learn group choreography during this session.
We will run Level 1, 2, and Wiggles and Giggles through December
Spring Session​
January - June (Weekly classes)
The Studio will be closed specific weeks which will be indicated on the GOOGLE CALENDAR
Spring Showcase Fee auto debited January 25 & February 25
Preparing for Spring Showcase
Competitive students will attend competitions during this session.
The Spring showcase will run at the end of June.
Summer Session​
No Classes the last week of June and July 4th week.
Tuition auto debited on the 5th July
Competitive studios will attend Nationals and begin solo and duet/trio choreography during this session.
Nutcracker Workshop AUGUST
2 Weeks (Typically last week in July and first week in August)
Academy Dancers - $145.00
Company Level 10 - $225.00
Company Level 12-18 - $250.00
This workshop is required to participate in our Annual Nutcracker. Following the workshop dancers will be given their parts.
Tuition Schedule & Competition Payment Schedule
If you would prefer to pay cash or check we will welcome payments in full by the first class but a credit card will still be required on the account. If you pay in full by CASH or Check prior to the first class you will receive a $50.00 discount on your total tuition.
Tuition is charged on the 5th of each month. All tuition is automatically debited from the account on file. You may stop classes at any time. To stop your automatic debit, you must email the studio finalestudio110.office@aol.com 30 days prior to due date. All accounts are required to have a credit card on file. If you prefer to pay in full, cash, or check you may choose this as an option. Cash or Check must be paid prior to due date or the card on file will be charged. (3% credit card processing fee is added to all transactions)
Recreational Classes
$30.00 monthly – 30 minute classes
$40.00 monthly – 40 minute classes (Multi Class Discount - 2% - 2 Classes/ 3% - 3 Classes/ 4% -4 Classes)
$145.00 monthly - Level 8 - Pre-Team Students
Competitive Classes
$200.00 monthly - Competition Students (base)
$225.00 monthly - Competition Students (base + acro)
$250.00 monthly - Competition Students​ (base + acro + pointe)
​Showcase DANCER Fees
We would like to keep our ticket prices reasonable and allow the dancers to perform in a beautiful space. To do this, we must charge a Showcase Fee.
All DANCERS EXCEPT wiggles and giggles AND Level 1 & 2 are automatically charged this fee upon signing up for that session. Showcase Fees are nonrefundable and charged per dancer. (This will include a Nutcracker sweatshirt in the Winter & a Cast T-shirt in the Spring. W&G & Level 1 & 2 will be charged $30 for their Cast shirts.)
September 25th – Winter Showcase (The NUTCRACKER) $175.00
January 25th – Spring Showcase $115.00 (1st Half)
February 25th - Spring Showcase $115.00 (2nd Half)
​​​Showcase COSTUME Fees
The NUTCRACKER (Winter) – We will invite our BALLET Level 4 and above to perform in our NUTCRACKER. Costumes rentals will average between $20.00-$50.00 per costume.
*Costumes are automatically debited September 25th.
Summer Showcase – We will invite the ENTIRE studio to perform in our Summer Showcase. Costumes will average between $70.00-$140.00 including earrings and tights. We do choose multiple DIY or Parent Purchase costumes for our Summer Showcase to offset the cost of costuming our large show.
*Costumes are automatically debited on March 25th.